Helping parents
raise happy, healthy kids
one sleep at a time
Sleep-Wrecked Kids
Helping parents raise happy, healthy kids, one sleep at a time
- Does your child resist going to bed, wake during the night or get up super early?
- Do they snore, breathe noisily or wake in a tangle of bedclothes?
- Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD, or do they have difficulty focusing?
- Are they often sick, or are they missing key developmental milestones?
25% of children have sleep problems, and these problems can start the pattern for a lifetime of health, behaviour and learning problems.
In Sleep-Wrecked Kids, discover how to help your kids grow and thrive by getting the sleep they need.
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Just some of what you'll learn from Sleep-Wrecked Kids
Discover the importance of sleep for kids
Sleep isn’t a luxury – it’s an essential foundation for your child’s physical mental emotional and social development. If your kids aren’t getting the sleep they need, they may struggle to catch up for years to come.
The good sleep formula: the ultimate goal
Discover what good sleep actually looks like, including the recommended hours for different ages and what to expect in terms of quality and your child’s development as a result. You’ll also discover what bad sleep looks like, including common sleep disorders.
7 tailored assessments to target sleep red flags
Assess whether your kids are sleep deprived with 7 assessments that outline the key symptoms, habits and behaviours that show up in sleep-deprived kids, and determine whether further action is necessary.
Simple environment and routine changes to help your kids sleep
If your kids are struggling with disordered sleep, there’s good news. Simply changing your child’s physical environment, emotional environment and routines throughout the day and night may be enough to have them sleeping through the night.
Discover how to address sleep disordered breathing, even before your kids are born!
It’s not just all about routine and environment. Your child’s airway has a big impact on sleep quality. Even mild forms of sleep disordered breathing can have a big impact on sleep quality. Learn how myofunctional therapy can help improve airway and breathing.
20+ specialists who can help your kids sleep
It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes you’ll need a village to help your kids sleep. To help you find your village, Sleep-Wrecked Kids outlines 20 different professions and the different areas they can address when it comes to hitting the right sleep formula for your kids.
What readers are saying
Jenny Riddle
Parent of three snuffly sleepers
‘Cutting through the confusion, Sleep-Wrecked Kids explains why good sleep is vital for kids’ health and development – and what parents can do to help their kids achieve it. My family has made some changes since reading Sleep-Wrecked Kids, and we’re looking forward to reaping the benefits of better sleep!’
Licia Coceani Paskay
‘Kudos to Sharon for writing a much-needed book for parents and professionals alike. It should be available in every health professional’s waiting room and to every group where parents gather together to share and support each other.’
Linda D’Onofrio
‘Sleep and breathing seem simple, but supporting children and families with sleep disorders and breathing disorders can feel very complex. Sharon Moore shares the current data in a parent-friendly way, explaining dysfunction, the impact on development, the consequences of inaction and how to find help. I can’t wait to share it with my patients and their families.’
Meet Sharon Moore

Sharon Moore is a speech pathologist and myofunctional practitioner with thirty-eight years of clinical experience across a range of communication and swallowing disorders. She has worked in diverse clinical settings in Australia and London.
Currently, Sharon runs a private practice in Canberra for patients of all ages and is part of the transdisciplinary team for the Canberra Sleep Clinic. The integration of orofacial myofunctional principles into traditional speech pathology work allows a unique approach to managing disorders of the upper airway, including breathing, swallowing, chewing, phonation, resonance, speech and sleep issues related to upper airway obstruction.
Sharon has a special interest in early identification of craniofacial growth anomalies in syndromic and non-syndromic children, concomitant orofacial dysfunctions and airway obstruction in sleep disorders.
Sharon believes that there has never been a more important time for medical, dental and allied health colleagues to work as a team, with the significant consequences of sleep disorders in all ages now widely known. Growing global medical acknowledgement of the role of myofunctional therapy in the management of sleep disorders has hailed a new era of relevance for work in the upper airway, affirming Sharon’s chosen clinical direction.
She believes we have a window of opportunity to help parents get it right before kids start school.
Kick start your kids’ journey to great sleep
with these free resources
The introduction of Sleep-Wrecked Kids, where you’ll discover how prevalent poor sleep is in children and an outline of how Sleep-Wrecked Kids can help your kids get better sleep
Chapter 1 of Sleep-Wrecked Kids, which shares the severe consequences sleep problems can have on children’s health, behaviour, mental aptitude and development
A download of Sharon’s Sleep Literacy for Parents poster, which shares the SSS Disturbed Rest sleep screening questionnaire to help you assess your children’s sleep
Yes, please send me the free resources
Interviews with sleep experts: Learn more about the kids’ sleep puzzle
Interview with Dr Jim Papadopoulos
Dr Jim Papadopoulos is one of Australia's leading sleep medicine physicians and is widely known for his work with sleep studies in children, particularly children with special needs, orthodontic problems and gastro-intestinal issues.
Interview with Dr Judith Owens
Dr Judith A. Owens is an internationally-recognised authority on pediatric sleep and the author of numerous original research and review articles in peer-review journals on the topic. Her particular research interest is in the neurobehavioural and health consequences of sleep problems in children.
And more to come!
Are you ready to help your kids get
a good night's sleep?

If you’re a parent who is ready to help your kids: